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hypermobility physiotherapy St Albans

The condition

Until recently, joint hypermobilty and joint hypermobilty syndrome have been largely unrecognised and poorly understood. Ongoing emerging evidence suggests that we need to be careful in restricting activity for patients suffering from joint hypermobilty. Instead we need to promote movement as safe and teach the importance of keeping strong muscles.


Joint hypermobilty syndrome is slightly different. We would refer you to a specialist Rheumatologist if we feel your symptoms suggest you have this syndrome. They will be able to formally diagnose your problem.

Assessment & treatment

A full history will be taken as often there will be more than one painful joint/problem area. We will ask about your activity levels to build up a picture of your overall fitness. We will perform a series of tests and assess them using the Beighton scale which will give us a indication of how 'stretchy' you are.


Treatment will focus on your individual goals and will include helping you to understand the importance of maintaining physical activity to promote joint health and muscle strength.


"Kate has been helping my 11 year old daughter recover from an ankle ligament injury for the last 4 months. Being hypermobile my daughter has been prone to ankle injuries. Kate has been brilliant at not only helping her develop her strength through manipulation and exercises, but through her positive approach, has helped my daughter gain much needed confidence in her body. Working with Kate has been very helpful and I highly recommend her."

Mrs F

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