Below is a series of resources to show just how important it is for us to move - both during recovery and once we're feeling ourselves again.
Many of us spend much of the day sitting and this can lead to joint stiffness and muscle weakness. People with long commutes and who work long hours in an office environment are particularly susceptible to conditions relating to a lack of movement.
Another useful video by Professor Pete O'Sullivan, a world-class clinician and researcher, where he talks to a single patient before and after their treatments. It provides a really good example of how regaining confidence in your spinal function transforms the recovery period and helps you resume a normal life.
This inspirational video which tells us the importance of moving. The video challenges us to limit our sitting to just 23 and a half hours a day!
A video giving some useful guidance on how to manage pain in the front of your knee. It recommends the strengthening of thigh and buttock muscles, which in technical terms, are called your quadriceps and gluteals.
These are guidelines developed by the World Confederation for Physical Therapy. This first one outlines MET values which define the energy used by different activities. It also outlines how many METs you should aim to use each day and over a week.
These target might look daunting at first but slowly working towards these will make a big difference.
This second document shows the benefit of physical activity on wider health and also provides guidelines and how much activity you should be doing.
It highlights how important it is for us to maintain muscle strength alongside cardio vascular fitness.
A useful video showing, in 10 points, what you should avoid doing if you have lower limb tendon pain. It includes advise such as avoiding compressing/stretching sore tendons and not overloading them.